ECR Developmental Awards

 (for summaries please click here)

Troubled Waters, Stormy Futures: heritage in times of accelerated climate change led by Ms Sara Penrhyn Jones (Aberystwyth University)

Agents of future promise: the ideological use of children in culture and politics (Britain and France, c.1880-c.1950) led by Dr Laura King (University of Leeds)

Re-configuring ruins: materialities, processes and mediations led by Dr Carlos Andres Lopez Galviz (University of London)

Who Cares? Interventions in ‘unloved’ museum collections led by Dr Rhianedd Smith (University of Reading)

The Hero Project led by Dr Abigail Georgina Garrington (Newcastle University)

Children of Political Violence: Imagining the Past and the Future from the Present led by Dr Noa Vaisman (Durham University)

Apologies for Historical Wrongs: When, How, Why? led by Dr Arman Sarvarian (University of Surrey)

‘You Can’t Move History. You Can Secure the Future’: Engaging Youth in Cultural Heritage led by Dr Pollyanna Elizabeth Angela Ruiz (University of Sussex)

Consuming Authenticities: Time, Place and the Past in the Construction of “Authentic” Foods and Drinks led by Dr Deborah Toner (University of Leicester)

The Family Archive: Exploring Family Identities, Memories and Stories Through Curated Personal Possessions led by Dr Vicky Crewe (Cardiff University)

Centre for Hidden Histories led by Professor John Beckett (University of Nottingham)