
In February 2012 the AHRC awarded sixteen small grants under the Care for the Future Theme. Exploratory awards support the early stage development of new research ideas and collaborations in areas of the Theme which are less well supported through existing AHRC funding. These projects include a great range of disciplines researching across the theme’s cross-cutting areas of research interest. Further information can be found on these projects on the Project and Project Map pages.

In addition, there are other awards funded through the AHRC’s responsive mode schemes with relevance to the Theme. Projects funded under the Researching Environmental Change Networks: Enhancing the Role of Arts and Humanities Perspectives on Environmental Values and Change: Policy, Practice and Public Discourses call are making important contributions to our understandings of the cultural value of nature, environments, landscapes and places, and to our understanding of how different communities relate to and interact with the environment and engage with environmental debates.

A number of projects funded through the Connected Communities programme interrogate subjects relevant to Care for the Future: Thinking Forward through the Past. Connected Communities is a cross-Council programme designed to help us understand the changing nature of communities in their historical and cultural contexts and the role of communities in sustaining and enhancing our quality of life.

On an international level, the AHRC and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) provide joint funding opportunities for UK and Dutch researchers to conduct networking or exchange activities relating to two thematic areas with significance to the Theme: Sustainable Communities in a Changing World and Cultural Interaction of Research.


We no longer fund new awards, however in the past we have supported the following:

Exploratory Awards


Large Grants

ECR Development

Fellowship Awards

First World War Engagement Centres

Highlight Notice Research Networking Scheme